Simple Active Directory health test

Dcdiag.exe /v >> c:temppre_dcdiag.txt
This is a must and will always tell you if there is trouble with your DCs and/or services associated with it

Netdiag.exe /v >> c:temppre_Netdiag.txt
This will let me know if there are issues with the networking components on the DC.  This along with the post test also is a quick easy way to ensure the patch I just installed is really installed (just check the top of the log)

Netsh dhcp show server >> c:temppre_dhcp.txt
Some may not do this but I”ve felt the pain of a DHCP server somehow not being authorized after a patch.  This allows me verify the server count and names.

Repadmin /showreps >> c:temppre_rep_partners.txt
This shows all my replication and if it was successful or not.  Just be aware that Global Catalogs will have more info here than a normal domain controller.

repadmin /replsum /errorsonly >> c:temppre_repadmin_err.txt
This is the one that always takes forever but will let you know who you are having issues replicating with.

Install Veeam plugin Oracle linux

  Install Veeam plugin Oracle linux rpm -Uvh --nodigest --nofiledigest VeeamPluginforOracleRMAN-

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