How to fix Windows fonts that are poor quality and not smooth


Windows 11

By default, the ClearType feature is enabled. However, if you want to customize the text even more, you can run the ClearType Text Tuner by following the steps below.

Press the Windows key on the keyboard.
In the search field at the top of the Start menu, type cttune.exe and press Enter.

The Windows ClearType Text Tuner program opens, allowing you to improve the quality of how the text looks on your screen. Click Next on each screen and make the appropriate selections based on the prompts.

Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10

By default, the ClearType feature is enabled. However, if you want to customize the text even more, you can run the ClearType Text Tuner by following the steps below.

Click Start or press the Windows key on the keyboard.
In the search and run box, type cttune.exe and press Enter.
This action opens the Windows ClearType Text Tuner program, which should resemble the example picture below. This program lets you improve the quality of how the text looks on your screen.


Shutdown Windows machine from linux terminal


There may be more setup to do, especially for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and further windows versions, to allow remote shutdown:

Part A) On the Windows machine:

1) Add a remote shutdown security policy:

  • run secpol.msc

  • in the program tree, open Security Settings > Local Policies > User rights Assignment

  • Find the entry Force shutdown from a remote system

  • Edit the entry, add the windows user account that will be used for shutdown (ex: nouknouk)

2) Add registry keys to disable UAC remote restrictions:

  • Run regedit.exe as Administrator

  • Find HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/System

  • Create a new registry DWORD(32) value named LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy and then assign it the value 1

3) Start remote registry service:

  • Open cmd.exeas Administrator

  • Execute the two following commands:

    sc config RemoteRegistry start= auto

    sc start RemoteRegistry

Part B) On the Linux machine:

1) install the package samba-common:

It depends on your Linux distribution, but for Debian and derivated (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, ...), the apt-get command can be executed like that:

apt-get install samba-common

2) To actually shutdown your Windows machine from the Linux one, run the following command:

net rpc shutdown -f -t 0 -C 'message' -U userName%password -I xxx.yyy.zzz.ttt


  • -f means force shutting down all applications (may be mandatory)

  • -t 0 is the delay before doing it (0 means 'right now').

  • -U user%password is the local user and his password on the windows machine (the one that has been allowed to do remote shutdown in part A).

  • -I is the IP address of the windows machine to shutdown.



Sendemail (sendEmail) Ubuntu 22 TLS error


"ERROR => No TLS support!  SendEmail can't load required libraries. (try installing Net::SSLeay and IO::Socket::SSL)".

Install packages to fix error:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl -y



How to list open ports and application using them in Windows

  netstat -abn or netstat -a -n -p tcp -o

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