How to fix Windows fonts that are poor quality and not smooth


Windows 11

By default, the ClearType feature is enabled. However, if you want to customize the text even more, you can run the ClearType Text Tuner by following the steps below.

Press the Windows key on the keyboard.
In the search field at the top of the Start menu, type cttune.exe and press Enter.

The Windows ClearType Text Tuner program opens, allowing you to improve the quality of how the text looks on your screen. Click Next on each screen and make the appropriate selections based on the prompts.

Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10

By default, the ClearType feature is enabled. However, if you want to customize the text even more, you can run the ClearType Text Tuner by following the steps below.

Click Start or press the Windows key on the keyboard.
In the search and run box, type cttune.exe and press Enter.
This action opens the Windows ClearType Text Tuner program, which should resemble the example picture below. This program lets you improve the quality of how the text looks on your screen.


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