Harden bash_history and bash configuration files


Harden bash_history and bash configuration files by making them append-only:

chattr +a /home/user/.bash_history
chattr +a /home/user/.bash_profile
chattr +a /home/user/.bash_login
chattr +a /home/user/.profile
chattr +a /home/user/.bash_logout
chattr +a /home/user/.bashrc

Harden env variables by adding the following lines to /home/user/.bashrc:

shopt -s histappend
readonly PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a"
readonly HISTFILE
readonly HISTSIZE
readonly HISTCMD

histappend tells bash to append the last $HISTSIZE lines to the $HISTFILE file when an interactive shell exits. PROMPT_COMMAND executes the given command prior to issuing each prompt. history -a appends the command typed just before the current one to $HISTFILE.

Disable access to other shells:

chmod 750 csh
chmod 750 tcsh
chmod 750 ksh



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