Get bigfiles in Windows

1. Run:
Get-ChildItem c:\temp -recurse | Sort-Object length -descending | select-object -first 32 | ft name,length -wrap –auto
This command will return the file names and the size of the files in bytes. Useful if you want to know what 32 files are the largest in the Replicated Folder so you can “visit” their owners.

2. Run:
Get-ChildItem c:\temp -recurse | Sort-Object length -descending | select-object -first 32 | measure-object -property length –sum
This command will return the total number of bytes of the 32 largest files in the folder without listing the file names.

3. Run:
$big32 = Get-ChildItem c:\temp -recurse | Sort-Object length -descending | select-object -first 32 | measure-object -property length –sum
$big32.sum /1gb
This command will get the total number of bytes of 32 largest files in the folder and do the math to convert bytes to gigabytes for you. This command is two separate lines. You can paste both them into the PowerShell command shell at once or run them back to back.

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