Find files between dates

find files between two specified dates
find / -type f -newermt 2018-01-01 ! -newermt 2018-11-30 -ls

find files created between begin of current month and the current day
find / -type f -newermt $( date +%Y-%m-01 ) ! -newermt $( date +%Y-%m-%d ) -ls

find .php files modified on the last 30 days
find / -type f -regex .*php$ -mtime -30 -exec ls -lt {} +

find files between 1 month ago and 3 days ago that ends with numbers in name
find / -type f -regex .*[0-9]$ -newermt $( date -d '-1 month' +%Y-%m-%d ) ! -newermt $( date -d '-3 day' +%Y-%m-%d ) -exec ls -la {} +

compress files created between two specified dates
find / -type f -newermt $( date -d '-1 month' +%Y-%m-%d ) ! -newermt $( date -d '-3 day' +%Y-%m-%d ) -exec gzip -f {} +

How to list open ports and application using them in Windows

  netstat -abn or netstat -a -n -p tcp -o

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