Enable Object Browser in vSphere 6.x

Starting with vSphere 6.0 the Managed Object Browser is disabled by default to avoid malicious configuration changes or actions. You can enable and disable the Managed Object Browser manually.

To enable or disable the Managed Object Browser by using the vSphere Client connected directly to the ESXi host, complete the following steps:

1 - In the vSphere Client, select the host in the inventory.
2 - In the right pane, click the Configuration tab.
3 - Under Software, select Advanced Settings.
4 - From the left pane of the Advanced Settings dialog box, select Config > HostAgent > plugins > solo.
5 - Select or deselect Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob to enable or disable the Managed Object Browser.

To enable or disable the Managed Object Browser by using the vSphere Web Client, complete the following steps:

1 - Browse to the host in the vSphere Web Client navigator.
2 - On the Manage tab and click Settings.
3 - Under System, select Advanced System Settings.
4 - Select the Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob option and click Edit to enable or disable the Managed Object Browser.

How to list open ports and application using them in Windows

  netstat -abn or netstat -a -n -p tcp -o

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