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How to add a Null route in windows


route add mask if 1 -p
route add mask if 1 -p 

DFSR clean Staging folder

 This particular error is generally experienced when people attempt a non NTFS volume such as ReFS to a DFSR replication group as documented on the following forum.

 In my case, I experienced this error with DFSR setup on NTFS volume on a new branch server.

The customer moved the DFSR node from one office, to another office.  The C:\ "SYSTEM" volume was formatted and reloaded with a fresh copy of 2012 R2 with latest patches, however the E:\ "DATA" volume was not formatted.  As a result it has its legacy DFSR Database, Staging data etc.

To clean up the staging data I created a new directory in C:\ called "empty":


I then ran the following commands after stopping the DFSR Replication service on the spoke server:

Robocopy "C:\Empty" "E:\System Volume Information\DFSR" /MIR

Followed by

rmdir "E:\System Volume Information\DFSR"

Starting the DFSR replication service resulted in the error above.

After playing around a bit more, I found that in addition to flushing all data in System Volume Information\DFSR you must also remove the DfsrPrivate link which points to the System Volume Information\DFSR sub directory for DfsrPrivate data.

After doing this, starting the DFS Replication service kicks of its normal DFSR Initial Sync shown by a state of 2:

Wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrreplicatedfolderinfo get replicationgroupname,replicatedfoldername,state

State Values (Uninitialized, Initialized, Initial Sync, Auto Recovery, Normal, In Error), ValueMap (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)}

Vmware Linux Guest Add a New Hard Disk Without Rebooting

List SCSI hosts
ls /sys/class/scsi_host

Update info
echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host#/scan

Now, you can create partition using fdisk and format it using mkfs.ext3 command:
cfdisk /dev/sdc

### [if you want ext4 fs] ###
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc3

Create a Mount Point And Update /etc/fstab

First, type the following mkdir command to make a dir/folder to mount the disk:
mkdir /disk3

Open the /etc/fstab file, enter:
vi /etc/fstab
/dev/sdc3               /disk3           ext4    defaults  

How Do I Delete a Single Device Called /dev/sdc?

In addition to re-scanning the entire bus, a specific device can be added or existing device deleted using the following command:
echo 1 > /sys/block/devName/device/delete
echo 1 > /sys/block/sdc/device/delete



Fixing -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied

 This should fix the issue (as root):

rm /dev/null
mknod /dev/null c 1 3
chmod 666 /dev/null

What these commands are doing:

rm is removing the bogus file that has been created because the expected one was missing;
mknod is creating a character device named /dev/null with the appropriate major and minor numbers for a Linux kernel;
chmod is setting the permissions for all users to be able to read and write to /dev/null.

How to list open ports and application using them in Windows

  netstat -abn or netstat -a -n -p tcp -o

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