Powershell Active Directory Commands

Find Users or Computer which are expired

Use Search-AdAccount cmdlet to find user, computer or service account enable status

Search-ADAccount -AccountExpired

Check If Users password expired

Search-ADAccount -PasswordExpired

Check if Users account disabled

Search-ADAccount -AccountDisabled

Find all locked out account in active directory

Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | FT Name,ObjectClass -A

Find account inactive for last 90 days

Search-ADAccount -AccountInactive -TimeSpan 90.00:00:00 | FT Name,ObjectClass -A

Unlock User account

Unlock-ADaccount -identity "Garyw"

Get Ad User Distinguished Name

Get-AdUser -Identity "toms" | Select DistinguishedName

Get Ad User using userprincipalname

Use Get-AdUser cmdlet in Active directory to get user using provided userprincipalname.

Get-ADGroupmember -identity salesleader | % { get-aduser $_.samaccountname} | Select Name,UserPrincipalName

Get Ad User SID in active directory

Get-AdUser -Identity toms | Select Name, SID, UserPrincipalName

Modify property of Group in active directory

Lets consider an example to modify description property of group, run below command

Set-ADGroup -Server localhost:60000 -Identity "CN=AccessControl,DC=AppNC" -Description "Access Group" -Passthru

Above PowerShell script, uses Set-AdGroup to set description property using Description parameter.

List all active directory groups

PowerShell Get-AdGroup cmdlet get list of all active directory group, run below command

Get-ADGroup -filter * -properties * |select SAMAccountName, Description|

List of all users in AD group

PowerShell Get-AdGroupMember cmdlet gets active directory group members, run below command

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Shell_Sales" | Select-Object Name

Get all computers in Active Directory

PowerShell Get-AdComputer cmdlet get list of active directory computers.

Get-ADComputer -Filter *

Source: https://shellgeek.com

Set AdUser Home Directory in PowerShell

 Using the Set-AdUser cmdlet in PowerShell to set the home directory folder path.

Set-ADUser -Identity Arons -HomeDirectory 'D:\Arons'
Get-Aduser -Identity Arons -Properties * | Select SamAccountName,HomeDirectory,HomeDrive,ProfilePath

How to list open ports and application using them in Windows

  netstat -abn or netstat -a -n -p tcp -o

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