Suppose your username is "db_user". Running from the shell prompt:
mysql_config_editor set --login-path=local --host=localhost --user=db_user --password
It prompts for the password. Once you enter it, the user/pass are saved encrypted in your home/system_username/.mylogin.cnf
write the password between "" if contains spacial character, like "#" or "." ex: "Passw#rd"
Of course, change "system_username" to your username on the server.
Change your bash script from this:
mysqldump -u db_user -pInsecurePassword my_database | gzip > db_backup.tar.gz
to this:
mysqldump --login-path=local my_database | gzip > db_backup.tar.gz
mysql --login-path=local -D DATABASE -e "SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 10"
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